Nov 12, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Academic Advising

The Heritage University Office of Advising serves pre-major undergraduate students (freshman, transfer and re-admit) attending Heritage through the Toppenish campus. The Office of Advising provides services such as: course planning, interpretation of academic policies and procedures, clarification of academic and career goals, and monitoring progress toward academic goals, declaration of major, and assistance with connecting students to local and on campus resources.

Students are responsible for consulting with their academic advisor to select courses for final approval. Students are responsible for planning and completing advising forms with the assistance of his or her advisor. A close advisor-student relationship can be very helpful, and students are required to meet with their academic advisor twice per semester; once prior to midterms and once after midterms or at any time to discuss academic problems, interests and goals.

Students receive the name of their academic advisor upon enrollment to Heritage University. Students who do not know who their academic advisor is must contact the Office of Advising for assignment of an advisor.

Students who have declared into a program will be referred to the corresponding faculty advisor for academic advising.

For more information, contact Heritage University Office of Advising at

Heritage University Student Advocate Program

The mission of the Heritage University Student Advocate Program is to provide outreach and support services to promote student success and retention. Students who need assistance can receive academic advisement through a trained academic advisor, mentor and/or counselor. The main priority of the Advocate Program is to assist, motivate, and empower students for self-development and self-actualization. Students who are experiencing personal issues impacting their academic performance should contact or  Students may also contact the Northwest Employee Assistance Program for cost free confidential counseling services at 509-575-4313.

Academic Progress

Satisfactory academic progress is defined as the normal progression toward a certificate or degree by a full-time or a part-time student in a reasonable amount of time.

Academic Warning, Probation, and Suspension

A student whose midterm grade for any course is below a GPA of 2.00 may receive an academic warning in writing upon recommendation of the course instructor.

If the end of semester GPA is below 2.00, the student is placed on academic probation. Once an undergraduate student is placed on academic probation, the student must attain at least a 2.00 semester GPA for the next semester in order to continue their studies. A student on academic probation for two consecutive semesters is subject to academic suspension, which is noted on their permanent record (transcript).

After each semester, the academic standards committee reviews the grades of all students who have made unsatisfactory progress and decides the action to be taken. Students are notified by letter of the committee’s decision and are given the opportunity to appeal in writing to the provost/vice president of Academic Affairs if circumstances warrant.

The university reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student whose academic standing is such that the administration believes continuance at the university undesirable.

Academic Honesty Policy

The pervading spirit underlying the mission and goals of Heritage University is the pursuit of justice and truth in every aspect of a student’s education. Honesty and integrity are expected of all members of the academic community and are essential to the learning process. Professors must demonstrate, by precept and example, the necessity of rigorous honesty in the use of sources and of utmost respect for the work of others.

Heritage students have the responsibility to adhere to academic honesty in all their educational endeavors. Faculty members have the responsibility to model academic honesty, to prevent and detect violations, and to counsel and/or discipline students who violate the Heritage University Academic Honesty Policy. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, academic misconduct, and all behavior inconsistent with academic integrity and honesty.

Faculty-initiated Disciplinary Process

The Academic Honesty Review Committee (AH Review Committee) will review all violations referred through the process and procedures described herein.  Departments with specific, separate Academic Honesty Policies, Processes, and Procedures will follow them.

Online Course Exchange of Independent Colleges and Universities’ (OCICU) students who wish to appeal an instructor’s or a facilitator’s decision should contact the Online Course Exchange Liaison at call 509-865-8599.  

Faculty members in all departments and programs retain the responsibility to conduct initial meetings with students and provide verbal clarification, guidance, and warnings to students, particularly when violations may be resulting from a lack of mastery of new concepts and skills. When violations appear deliberate rather than from lack of mastery, faculty members will consult with Department Chairs about initiating the Academic Honesty Disciplinary Procedure.


Procedure for Submitting Academic Honesty Violations

When a faculty member has reasonable cause to believe that academic dishonesty has occurred, the following procedure shall be followed:

1. The faculty member will collect evidence of the suspected violation(s), review previous violations that are filed with the Registrar, and confer with the student concerning the violation and the course of action to be pursued. This conversation with the student should be within five (5) working days of discovering the suspected violation.  If no violation is confirmed, no further action results, no written record is filed with the Registrar, and the student is notified within five (5) working days.

2. If the faculty member believes a violation is confirmed, the faculty member has five (5) working days to draft an Academic Honesty Report of the incident and proposed sanction, and consult with the faculty member’s direct supervisor (Chair) and the student’s advisor. If the faculty member is also a Chair, the consultation will be with a Chair in a closely related academic discipline.

a. If the direct supervisor believes no violation is confirmed, no further action results, no written record is filed with the Registrar, and the student is notified. 

b. If the direct supervisor agrees that a violation has occurred, the faculty member will finalize the Academic Honesty Report and, within five (5) working days, schedule a department-level academic conduct meeting to present and discuss the Report. Those present at the meeting will include the faculty member, the student, the student’s advisor, the Chair(s), and at the student’s request, a Student Assistan[ce] Faculty or Educator (SAFE) Mentor.

c. When the violation of academic honesty occurs in a GUCR course or in the student’s minor, two chairs may be part of the Academic Honesty violation procedure.

d. At this point, the Academic Honesty Review Committee Chair will be informed, but no Committee action will be required.

e. If the student accepts and signs the report and the sanction, the faculty member will forward the report to the Registrar’s Office to be included in the student’s file.


3. If the student wishes to appeal the Academic Honesty Report, the student will submit a formal a Student Appeal Process/Application form, including signature page and supporting evidence to the Chair of the Academic Honesty Review Committee within five (5) working days of the department level meeting.

a. The Committee will have ten (10) working days to

  1. review all documents from the student and from the faculty member;
  2. schedule a meeting with the student, the student’s advisor, and at the student’s request, a SAFE Mentor;
  3. conduct an interview with the faculty member; and
  4. consult with other relevant parties as needed.

b. If the Committee sees no violation based on the evidence presented and rejects the faculty report, no further action results, no written record is filed with the Registrar, and the student is notified.

c. If the Committee accepts, or modifies and accepts, the faculty member’s Academic Honesty Report, the student is notified.

d. If the student accepts and signs the report and the sanction, the Committee will forward the report to the Registrar’s Office to be included in the student’s file. The faculty member will be notified.


4. If the student disagrees with the Academic Honesty Review Committee’s decision,  within five (5) working days, the student can request a meeting with Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

a. The Provost/VPAA will have ten (10) working days to

  1. review all documents from the student and from the faculty member;
  2. schedule a meeting with the student, the student’s advisor, and at the student’s request, a SAFE Mentor;

b. The Provost/VPAA will be the final appeal opportunity for the student and the Provost’s decision will be final.

c. If the Provost/VPAA accepts the student’s appeal, no further action results, no written record is filed with the Registrar, and the student, faculty member, and Committee will be notified.

d. If the Provost/VPAA rejects the student’s appeal, the Provost/VPAA will forward the Academic Honesty Report to the Registrar’s Office to be included in the student’s file. The student, faculty member, and Committee will be notified.


Guidelines for Submission of Academic Honesty Violation Report to the Review Committee

1. Coversheet with signature page for steps of the Academic Honesty Violations Process

a. space for faculty signature, chair signature (or Provost/VPAA in supervisor role)

b. space for student signature of acceptance or rejection

c. space for Committee Chair signature

2. Statement of academic honesty violation or misconduct

3. Supporting evidence (documents or statements)

4. Copies of previous, relevant violations from Registrar

5. Recommendations for sanctions

6. Report of Departmental meeting that included Faculty, Department Chair, Student, Student’s Advisor, and SAFE mentor if requested by the Student.

7. Student Appeal Process/Application form, including signature page


Minimum Sanctions for Academic Honesty Violations

A first instance of academic dishonesty will result in at least failure of the assignment; the second instance will result in at least failure of the course; the third instance will result in at least a semester suspension; and the fourth instance will result in dismissal from the university. However, the nature and severity of the instance of academic dishonesty will determine whether the sanctions exceed these minimums. Academic misconduct may also violate other university policies and initiate additional investigations.


Academic Grievance Process

Student-initiated grade appeal process

Students who feel that an academic decision affecting their grade(s) should be re-examined may present their case according to the following appeal process. Students should file an appeal in a timely manner. If the appeal is brought to the attention after a full academic year, or even semester, it may limit the ability to resolve the grade appeal due to limitations outside of our control.

  1. A student confers with the instructor concerned.
  2. If the student believes the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved, the student confers with the department chair or department director.
  3. If the student believes the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved, the student makes an appointment with the provost/vice president of Academic Affairs to seek assistance in resolving the concern.
  4. The student and the provost/vice president of Academic Affairs may request the Academic Honesty Committee to review the matter.
  5. The provost/vice president of Academic Affairs communicates the final decision to the concerned student. No appeals are available after this decision has been communicated.

At any point during the student-initiated grade appeal process, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs may request the Academy Honesty Committee to convene and initiate that process instead. 


NOTE: If at any point in time it becomes apparent there are grievances or complaints in addition to the grade appeal, the student grievance process may be initiated.

Student grievance/complaint process 

Students who feel that an academic grievance or complaint not related to grades, disciplinary actions, or student conduct that they believe should be examined, may present their case according to the following grievance process. Students should file a complaint in a timely manner. If the issue is brought to the attention after a full academic year, or even semester, it may limit the ability to resolve the issue due to limitations outside of our control. The grievance process is based on a restorative justice model. Students seek a resolution through confidential discussion, investigation, and review of evidence. Student complaints and evidence are gathered as part of the investigation. The Student Affairs Office will provide an advocate to students to guide them through this process as a neutral party.


Initial Discussion (Intake)

The process begins with an initial intake conversation to gather information. The initial conversation is between the student and the Student Affairs Advocate (SAA). The initial conversation is confidential, unless there is an alleged violation of policy, ADA violation, harassment, discrimination, or other mandatory reporting information that requires disclosure to appropriate personnel. The SAA will explain the investigation process (see below). Contact information for Student Affairs is below.   


Once the process is explained, the SAA will assist the student with determining next steps.

  1. The student decides not to proceed and the grievance is dropped.
  2. The student wishes to engage in informal resolution (see below).
  3. The student wishes to engage in a formal investigation (see below), and proceeds with filing a formal complaint. 


Informal Resolution
The informal resolution seeks to resolve the conflict, dispute, complaint, or issue by having the parities involved working towards resolution on their own without involving others.

  1. The student is coached and supported through the process of working to resolve the issues with the instructor, department chair, or other individual.
  2. If the student believes the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved they may return to the SAA and submit a formal complaint.


Formal Investigation

The formal complaint process requires a second intake process, different from the first because confidentiality is no longer a guarantee.  Individuals have a right to know who is making a complaint against them.  During a formal complaint process additional information is gathered to determine the nature of the complaint and what the appropriate resolution our outcome might be that would satisfy both parties.

  1. The SAA begins by gather information and opening an investigation, with the students’ written permission.
  2. The student begins gathering information and evidence to back up their allegations: which may include the following:
    • text messages
    • Emails, personal or work
    • Notes of conversations
  1. The SAA may also choose to interview other students or faculty and gather additional information.
  2. The SAA will also gather information from the faculty member who the grievance or complaint is against.   
  3. Based on the information gathered during the investigations, the SAA will submit, in writing, their findings and any recommendations for resolution to the provost/vice president of Academic Affairs. The provost/vice president of Academic Affairs and the vice president of Student Affairs will make the final decision for resolution and determine the best course of actions based on the restorative justice model. The final decision for resolution will be communicated to the student in writing. However, if the final decision for resolution contains confidential information, the student will only be notified that a resolution has been reached. There may be legal constraints on what the university can or cannot, or is required, to communicate to the student.
  4. If the student believes the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved, the student may request formal mediation through a third party.

NOTE: If at any point in time, an event occurs that includes a policy violation, ADA violation, harassment, discrimination, etc., the complaint will automatically be investigated, and may involve Human Resources or legal counsel. If any findings include policy violation, the report may be escalated to Human Resources for resolution.

The Student Affairs office is located on the Toppenish campus in the Violet Lumley Rau building. You can also call or email: 509-865-0411,


Regular attendance and participation in classes is expected and considered essential for successful academic work. Each instructor is responsible for including an attendance policy for their class in the course plan shared with the students at the beginning of the course, and each student is responsible for the policy stated for each course. A student must assume full responsibility for work missed because of their absence.

A faculty member may recommend an Administrative Withdrawal (WA) whenever a student misses two consecutive class sessions and does not contact the instructor. See the definition of Administrative Withdrawal in the Grading and Evaluations section of this catalog.

Consistent with Heritage University’s mission and values and pursuant to RCW 28B.10.039 as amended, and Substitute Senate Bill 5166, HU allows student reasonable absences for reasons of faith or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. A student who, due to the observance of religious holidays, expects to be absent or endure significant hardship during scheduled class hours, will be reasonably allowed excused absences under this policy.

The student requesting an excused absence for reasons of faith must submit the Request for Absence for Reasons of Faith Form to each instructor at least two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which the absence is anticipated to occur. The form is located on the Student Forms page under the Students tab in MyHeritage. The request must include an explanation of how the absence is related to a reason of faith or organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. The student is solely responsible for ensuring documentation authorizing the absence is provided according to the instructions.

Each faculty member will determine what specific adjustments, if any, will need to be made to the student’s scheduled in-class work or assignments. The faculty member will inform the student in writing of any adjustments within three (3) instructional days of receiving the documentation requesting the absence.

Absences allowed under this policy will not in and of themselves adversely impact a student’s grade; however, students are expected to make up or complete all coursework or assignments that have been adjusted by the faculty member due to the absence. Faculty members have the right to require the student complete the coursework prior to or after the allowed absence.

A student whose request for absence under this policy is denied may appeal according to the HU Academic Grievance Process.

Compassionate Leave for Students

In keeping with the mission and spirit of Heritage University, our policy is to grant compassion leave, when needed. Faculty and staff are urged to be sensitive to the cultures of Heritage University students. (For instance, for some who have experienced the loss of a loved one, a funeral may last for a week.) The following are guidelines for granting compassionate leave.

Authority for granting compassionate leave rests with the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) or their designee. Ideally, when a student requires leave, they will contact the Office of Student Affairs. If the student first contacts another staff or faculty member, that person will notify the VPSA, who will in turn inform the following:

  • Department chair, if the student has a declared major, who in turn will contact those faculty members whose classes are impacted.
  • Advisor (academic advisor or faculty advisor, as appropriate).
  • Support staff as needed.

Compassionate leave does not excuse a student from completing course requirements. As soon as possible, they will negotiate a plan with each of their instructors to meet the learning outcomes for each course. Faculty are authorized to find alternate ways to help students meet the learning outcomes in accordance with agreed plans, including departing from their syllabi, if necessary, to accommodate students who have been granted compassionate leave. If, by the end of the semester, it is not possible for the student to meet all the course outcomes, an Incomplete (See “Incomplete” policy) may be granted. If neither an incomplete nor alternate assignments prove possible, Administrative Withdrawal (See Administrative Withdrawal Policy) will be permitted. Once a plan has been created, the student will be responsible for the completion of the plan.

This protocol grows out of our desire to respect and accommodate the personal, cultural, and familial responsibilities of our students. Negotiations related to compassionate leave, which may be moderated by the Vice President of Student Affairs (VPSA) or a designee, must be conducted in an atmosphere of kindness.

Catalog Year Policy

Students must fulfill one of two sets of requirements: Those in the catalog in effect at the time of official acceptance to Heritage, or those from the current catalog. The complete degree requirements of only one catalog must be followed. Students seeking teacher certification are responsible for following ongoing changes in these regulations. Since courses and department requirements are subject to change without notice, all courses necessary to complete all department requirements may not be available on a continuing basis. Substitutions for discontinued courses are required and authorized by the department chair and Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Change of Grade

It is the student’s obligation to verify the transcript change when an incomplete grade is to be replaced with a final grade. A change of grade form, signed by the instructor, must be received in the Registrar’s Office before a change is posted to the permanent record.

Grades, once turned in, may be changed by instructors only upon demonstration of clerical error and completion of a change of grade form with rationale and evidence of the need to change the grade.

Grades used to meet graduation requirements cannot be changed after the degree is posted.

Classification of Students

Matriculated students are those who are officially admitted to pursue a degree or certificate. Non-matriculated undergraduate students may take up to 12 academic credits without pursuing a degree or certificate. Nonmatriculated graduate students may take up to 8 academic credits without pursuing a degree.

Undergraduate students are ranked according to the total number of semester credits they have successfully completed:

  • Freshmen: fewer than 30 semester credits
  • Sophomores: 30-59 semester credits
  • Juniors: 60-89 semester credits
  • Seniors: 90 or more semester credits

Graduate students are identified by their acceptance into a graduate program.

Course Load

The usual minimum full-time undergraduate load is 12 semester credits (6 in summer term). No more than 18 credits per semester (9 in summer term) may be taken without approval of the advisor and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and upon written request of the student.

The minimum full-time graduate load is 6 credits in the fall, spring, and summer terms.  No more than 10 credits per semester may be taken without approval of their advisor. For the purpose of financial aid and deferment of loans, half-time enrollment for graduate students is considered two (2) semester credits. 

Concurrent Enrollment

Students who are working toward a degree at Heritage and wish to register simultaneously at another college or university must receive prior approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, in order for outside courses to apply to their degree department. No more than 18 credits per semester (9 in summer term) may be taken without approval of the advisor and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, regardless of where the credits are earned.

Credit Hour and Semester Definitions

Credit Hour Requirements: Federal regulations require that all courses follow the Heritage University definition of a credit hour as described in HU Policy. A credit is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than: a) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or b) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in a) for other academic activities as established by the institution, including laboratory work, internships, practice, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credits.

The academic year is two semesters of 15 weeks each of instruction, plus a finals week. Summer session is six or eight weeks with no finals week.

Credits/Courses at Heritage University

In addition to regular courses, other means of obtaining academic credit are available if the student obtains approval from the academic advisor, the appropriate department chair, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Registrar.

Credit by Examination

Selected courses may be challenged for academic credit. Students must contact the Registrar’s Office and complete the credit by examination application according to the guidelines. The examination must be completed within one year from the application date; registration for the course credits must be completed three weeks prior to the end of the semester. Credits are indicated on the transcript as credit by examination with a P (pass) if the course is successfully challenged. No more than two courses per semester may be challenged unless approval is obtained from the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Clock Hours

Heritage University may award clock hours to adults who participate in Heritage University -related noncredit, continuing-education activities. In no instance shall the award of clock hours be equated with college credits applicable toward a degree.

Please email for further information related to clock hours.

Differential Scheduling

With the approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, a regular catalog course may be offered out of sequence for an individual student through differential scheduling. Differential scheduling is an exception and not the rule. Differential scheduling may be considered in conjunction with other alternatives in order to meet degree requirements for a department. Courses in the major department or in another department that can be substituted for degree requirements may be considered. Courses offered through online course exchanges may also be considered.

Differentially scheduled courses must be considered only under the following circumstances:

  • Student has achieved upper-level (junior- or senior-level) classification
  • Only 300- to 400-level courses may be offered on differential scheduling basis
  • Student has achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Student is planning to graduate before the next time the course is offered
  • Faculty may teach no more than three differentially scheduled courses during a semester

Grading and Evaluations

Midterm Grades

As part of HU’s commitment to student success, faculty are asked to provide mid-semester grades for all students. This is an opportunity for students and their instructors to reflect on student learning for the first half of the semester and determine what, if any, additional supports may be needed to ensure continued success in each course.

Final Grades

Final grades are determined by the combined results of assignments, examinations, class attendance, participation, and mastery of the subject.

The following letter grades and grade points per credit are used to denote the quality of a student’s work.

Grade Description Grade Points
A Excellent 4.0
A-   3.7
B+   3.3
B Above Average 3.0
B-   2.7
C+   2.3
C Average 2.0
C-   1.7
D+   1.3
D Below Average 1.0
D-   0.7
F Failure 0.0
P/NP The pass/non-pass (P/NP) option is usually reserved for elective courses with the advisor’s approval and signature and only within the add period of each semester. The P grade indicates that a grade of A, B, C or D was earned. Additionally, a P/NP grade is given for courses as noted in the catalog description. It is recommended that faculty indicate the A, B, C or D equivalent under “Comments” on the final class roster.
I An incomplete grade indicates that the student, for a serious reason approved by the instructor, the department chair and the vice president for Academic Affairs, has not completed all required course work by the end of the semester and has a reasonable probability of passing the course when all requirements are completed. An incomplete grade contract specifies the requirements to complete the course and change the grade. (This is an instructor-initiated mark.)
IP An in-progress grade is given only in the case of a course offered that spans more than one semester as designated by the university. It does not replace an incomplete grade.
WX Unofficial withdrawal is assigned only in cases where a student registers but ceases attending without officially applying for withdrawal, or for which official withdrawal after deadline (WA) is not approved. WX is computed as an F. A WX grade does not exempt a student from financial obligations incurred at registration. (This is an instructor- or administration-initiated mark.)
WA An administrative withdrawal, WA, is assigned in cases where a student registers but never attends classes, or where students experience trauma of such proportions (not reflecting on their academic ability or seriousness of purpose) that they are incapable of continuing. A WA situation does not necessarily exempt a student from the financial obligation incurred at registration. The request for WA is made in writing to the registrar before the final two weeks of a course. (This is an administration-initiated mark.)
AU Permission to audit is granted at registration by the registrar and on the condition that space is available.
NR Grade has not been reported.
NC No credit granted.

Note: A minimum passing grade for each course in the major is determined by the department chair of the degree/major. Please see the department for your declared degree and major for assistance.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credits granted for courses taken. The letter grades P, NP, I, WA and AU are not computed in the GPA and, except for the P grade, are not counted as credits applicable to a degree or certificate. The WX grade is computed as an F grade in the GPA. Grade point averages are computed on both a cumulative and a semester basis.

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available through My Heritage. Located: Student tab: Academics: View Grades.

Honors and Awards

Dean’s List

At the end of each semester (summer term excluded), full-time matriculated undergraduates who have earned semester grade point averages of 3.50 or better; who do not have grades of I, F or WX; and who have at least 12 credits of courses above the 100 level (graded with a weighted grade), are placed on the university dean’s list. This distinction is noted on the permanent record (transcript).

Academic Achievement List

At the end of each semester, full-time or part-time matriculated undergraduates who have earned semester grade point averages of 3.00 or better, and do not have a grade of I, WX or F, are placed on the academic achievement list.

Graduation/Commencement Honors

Baccalaureate honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude) are awarded to graduates receiving a first baccalaureate degree. These honors are awarded to those students who have completed a minimum of 60 credits at Heritage and have the following cumulative grade point averages:

  • Summa cum laude 3.90-4.00
  • Magna cum laude 3.60-3.89
  • Cum laude 3.30-3.59

Honor cords are worn at graduation, if no incomplete (I) grades are on the student’s record by graduation day. The Latin honors designation listed in the commencement program may not reflect final honors status, since the program is printed prior to the posting of final grades.

The Academic Excellence Award is presented by the Board of Directors to the graduates receiving baccalaureate degrees who have the highest cumulative GPA based on credits earned from Heritage University. The graduate must have completed a minimum of 60 credits at Heritage.

The Award of Distinction is presented by the President’s Council to the graduate receiving a baccalaureate degree and fulfilling the following criteria:

  1. At least a cumulative GPA of 3.00 based on credits obtained at Heritage.
  2. Completion of a minimum of 60 credits at Heritage.
  3. Contribution to the betterment of the university in some way.
  4. Active interest in student affairs, e.g., student government, tutoring, unselfish assistance to the needs of other students.

Graduation and Commencement

Application for Graduation

Formal application for graduation for all degrees and certificates must be filed in the Registrar’s Office at least two semesters before the projected graduation date.

Students fulfill either catalog requirements in effect at the time of their official acceptance to the university or requirements from a newer catalog. The complete requirements of only one catalog must be fulfilled unless exceptions are authorized by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. All financial obligations to the university must be cleared before graduation.

Graduation/Commencement Exercise and Diplomas

Commencement refers to the graduation ceremony, officiated by the Heritage University President, which is an opportunity for the students to share the excitement and importance of their academic accomplishments with peers, family, and friends.

Commencement is a celebratory event, not a declaration of completion of degree requirements. Anyone can participate in the ceremony if they have not participated in a previous ceremony, and if they are within two courses and/or 6 credits of degree completion (if enrolled summer term and applied for graduation).

Degrees are awarded at Heritage at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters. The graduation ceremony is held at the end of spring semester (May). All students who completed degree requirements are encouraged to participate.

Students completing their final degree/certificate requirements during the summer semester may participate in the spring ceremony as a “walker.” The “walker” student has applied for graduation for the summer term, and are within two courses and/or 6 credits of degree completion.

Incomplete Grade

An incomplete grade (I) is given when a student has not completed all required course work by the end of the semester and has a reasonable probability of passing the course when all the requirements are completed. An incomplete grade contract must be completed and approved by the student, instructor, department chair, and registrar. The contract specifies the requirements to complete the course and change the grade from an incomplete to a final grade based on the merits of the work submitted and graded by the instructor. The work must be completed by the date indicated on the incomplete grade contract, which cannot exceed one year from the end of the semester in which the course was originally taught. See incomplete grade contract for detailed instructions. 

Independent Studies

Independent study opportunities are available to students as 303 Special Topic, 390 Advanced Topic – Independent study of a specialized subject matter, or 495 Special Project – Independent study of an advanced topic. All independent studies must be approved by the instructor, Department Chair, and Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Undergraduate Majors

For undergraduate students, a major is defined as a course of study in one area consisting of a minimum of 30 credits, including 24 upper-division credits. Each major indicates specified course work, if applicable, and the number of credits required.

Graduate Majors

A graduate major is declared by the student on the graduate application form. A master degree requires a minimum of 32 semester credits.

Major Selection and Change

Undergraduate students are encouraged to declare a major by their sophomore year, at the latest. Students who are undecided about a major field of study are assigned an advisor not necessarily associated with any specific department. To change a major or to declare a major, a student must complete a change of major form or declaration of major form, respectively; obtain the necessary signatures; and return the form to the Registrar. An advisor will be assigned from within the declared department.


A course of study in one area consisting of a minimum of 15 credits, including 12 upper-division credits, constitutes a minor. The department may indicate specific courses and the number of credits required.

Non-Academic Grievances 

Regarding a staff member:

Students are encouraged to provide constructive feedback by first sharing the concern directly with the staff member involved. If the matter is not considered resolved, the student may then approach the staff member’s supervisor. Students may contact the Office of Human Resources to determine the appropriate supervisor and contact information.

Regarding a harassment issue:

Heritage University is committed to creating a safe learning and working environment. Harassment is defined as conduct which threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of his or her safety. Harassment is unwanted, unwelcomed and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens or offends the victim and results in a hostile environment for the victim. Harassing behavior may include, but is not limited to, epithets, derogatory comments or slurs and lewd propositions, assault, blocking movement, offensive touching and visual insults, such as derogatory posters or cartoons. Students experiencing harassment regarding a staff, faculty member, or third party vendor of Heritage University are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resources as soon as possible.

If the harassment involves another student, please contact the Office of Student Affairs to report the problem and seek assistance.

Regarding another student:

Students are expected to communicate concerns in a direct and respectful manner. If it is not feasible to approach another student directly, then the student with the concern should contact the Office of Student Affairs for assistance with resolving the matter.

If internal complaint processes have not resolved the issue, you may contact any of the following:

General Complaints:
Washington State Office of the Attorney General
1125 Washington Street SE
PO Box 40100
Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 753-6200

Academic Complaints:
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
8060 165th Avenue N.E. Suite 100
Redmond, WA 98052
(425) 558-4224
(425) 376-0596 (fax)



Heritage students who have not registered for courses for one year (or two terms) are classified as inactive and must apply for re-admittance by completing the regular admissions process.

Re-admitted students will graduate under the catalog current at the time of re-entry.

Readmission is a requirement for any matriculated student who has finished a course of study and returns to Heritage for another course of study, such as a certificate or an endorsement. Students returning for a master degree must apply for admission as a graduate-level student.


Suspended students may apply for reinstatement after one semester (excluding summer term) from the suspension date by completing the regular admissions process. Reinstated students re-enter on academic probation and follow the academic probation regulations.


Once admitted to Heritage, students may register for courses. Students will meet with their advisors before registering for courses. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor and register as soon as possible after the course schedule is published for each semester. Registration is typically completed online; however, hard copy forms are available as needed. Ad advisor must approve all registrations, regardless of format (online or hard copy). No student is permitted in courses unless officially registered.

Registration Changes and Withdrawals

Students may add or drop courses online until the first day of classes. After the first day of classes, students must use a hard copy add/drop form. Courses may be added during the first week of the semester (the first 10% of a course). Courses may be dropped during the first four weeks of the semester (first 25% of a course). Courses dropped during the first two weeks are not recorded on the student’s permanent record. Requests to drop courses after the first four weeks of a semester require an administrative withdrawal (WA), which must be approved by the registrar before the final two weeks of a course.

Repeating Courses

A university course may be repeated. The original and the repeated course remain on the transcript, but only the higher grade is computed in the grade point average, and credit is awarded only once.

Special Topics, Workshops, and Seminars

Courses that are not listed in the catalog and that are designed to fit the needs of a particular group of students are designated as special topics, and are taught as regularly scheduled courses in a given term. The course number is either 103, 203, 303, 403 or 503, according to the level involved.

Student Records and Responsibilities

Student academic records are confidential, and access to them is limited to the student and designated administration and faculty, as necessary for advisory or other academic purposes. This policy is consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The student’s academic record may not be released to other persons or agencies outside the university without the written permission of the student. Students, upon request, may inspect and review their academic records in the Registrar’s Office. Heritage University’s FERPA policy is available online on the University Policies webpage (5.g Family Education Rights and Privacy (FERPA) Policy, page 53).

Notification of Student Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include the following:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request amendment of the student’s educational records that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the university to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. Students may request amendment of a record by writing the university official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed and specifying why it is inaccurate or misleading.
  If the university decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the university will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when they are notified of the right to a hearing.
  1. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a company or person with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
  A school official has a legitimate education interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  1. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure by Heritage University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The following is the name and address of the office that administers FERPA:
  Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Note: Some student information is considered directory-type data and may be released to the public. Student directory information includes the following:

  • Name, address, telephone listing
  • Field of study (major)
  • Date and place of birth
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Dates of attendance, degrees and awards
  • Photographs

FERPA Annual Notice to Reflect Possible Federal and State Data Collection and Use

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records — including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information — may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education”, such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

Student Directory Information

Some student information is considered directory-type data, as explained above, and may be released to the public if a student is enrolled at Heritage. Student directory information includes name, current enrollment, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, field of study (major), honors, degrees, whether full-time or part-time, and photographs. All other information regarding the student academic record is restricted and may not be released.

Students may request that directory information not be released to the public by indicating this during registration or at any time in the Registrar’s Office.


Heritage (and former Fort Wright College) students may obtain unofficial and official copies of their transcripts through online or in-person request. Instructions for ordering transcripts can be found on the Registrar’s webpage:  Financial indebtedness to the university will prevent the release of a student’s transcript and diploma.

Transcripts from Other Institutions

Student transcripts and other related documents that have been submitted to the university as a requirement for admission become part of the official file and are not returned to students. Copies of these documents cannot legally be released to any other school or agency without permission of the student.

Transfer Credit Policy

  1. An official transcript from each regionally accredited higher institution must be submitted. A high school transcript is also required of students who have earned less than 60 semester credits.
  2. A Heritage University Placement Assessment is required of students who have less than an A.A. degree. Exceptions are considered on an individual basis.
  3. Students who have completed the appropriate Associate of Arts transfer degree (AADTA) from Washington community colleges:
    1. are admitted with junior standing;
    2. will generally transfer 60 semester credits upon admission;
    3. will have satisfied the General University Course Requirements (GUCRs) (equivalent to 36 semester credits);
    4. will have up to 24 credits applied to a student’s declared program or study or overall degree requirements at HU.
  4. Students who have completed the Interstate Passport have satisfied the General University Course Requirements (GUCRs) (equivalent to 36 semester credits).
  5. Transfer credits are accepted from institutions accredited by a regional or national accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) with the following restrictions:
    1. Transfer credits must have a minimum grade of 1.70 (C-) on a 4.00 scale for undergraduates and 3.0 (B) for graduates. Note: Individual programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses in order for program-specific requirements to be met.
    2. Heritage accepts transfer credits for courses that apply to a student’s program of study or meet degree requirements at HU. 
    3. A maximum of 90 semester or 135 quarter hours of academic credit is accepted from accredited colleges and universities toward a four-year degree. Transfer credits are evaluated for substitution for HU course requirements on a one-to-one basis. Transfers of more than 60 credits require approval for each course by the appropriate department chair.
    4. A maximum of 6 semester credits of courses with a Pass grade is accepted. However, academic departments may have specific regulations regarding Pass courses.
    5. Credits awarded through examination programs or through non-traditional means of obtaining credit are evaluated on individual basis. Heritage University reserves the right to accept or reject such credits depending on the relevance and application of such credits to the total degree program.
    6. Heritage may grant credit for learning sponsored by business, industry, or government if the learning has been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) or by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS).
    7. Credit may be granted for educational experience from formal military service schools which have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) and which are found in The Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces.
    8. Domestic and International students who have completed college credits in another country may be considered for freshman admission. Transfer credit is evaluated through a course-by-course analysis and may require review by an external entity with expertise in the field of foreign credential assessment.


Informal evaluations of transfer credit may be requested. Such evaluations are subject to change when all official transcripts are received and evaluated by the registrar. The university reserves the right to evaluate all transfer credits in relation to its programs.

Heritage reserves the right to accept or reject nontraditional means of obtaining credit, depending on the relevance and application of such credits to the total degree program.

Transferability of Heritage University Credit

Heritage is an accredited university. Recognition as an accredited university means that the accrediting body recommends that Heritage transcripts be evaluated on the same basis as those of other accredited colleges and universities. Students are reminded that each college and university sets its own rules for accepting particular course credits toward various degree requirements. The Office of Admissions, Registrar, or Department Chair at the institution to which a student wishes to transfer should be consulted about which credits will transfer to fulfill requirements at another institution.

Course Numbering System

Below 100 Developmental courses for which credit is granted but which do not fulfill any degree requirements; a pass (P) or non-pass (NP) grade is given in such courses.
100-299 Lower-division courses intended primarily for freshmen and sophomores.
300-499 Upper-division courses intended primarily for juniors and seniors; 390 is reserved for Advanced Topic, 490 for Internship, 495 for Special Project and 497 for Senior Thesis.
500-599 Graduate courses.
600-699 Graduate courses used for free electives.

The following numbers are reserved in all departments for any level of course. Courses with these numbers must have the approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Registrar.

x03 Special topics courses that are not listed in the catalog and are taught to specialized groups. The special topics number may also be used for new courses that emerge between catalog printings.
9xx Courses that are offered through the Lifelong Learning Institute for site-based and site-sponsored updating in-service of teachers and other professional groups.

Course Symbols, Prefixes and Descriptions

Each course listing includes a prefix, a course number, a course title, number of semester credits, a course description and, when applicable, a prerequisite.

 2, 3, etc.

Numbers following the course title indicate the number of semester credits for the course.


Non-credit, Lifelong Learning Institute.


A course prefix and number followed by the letter W indicate a writing-intensive course.


A course prefix and number followed by the letter X indicate a course completed by examination.


Denotes a laboratory course.

Writing-Intensive Courses

Recognizing the importance of good writing skills in students’ employment or advanced studies, Heritage University has instituted an intensive writing requirement to ensure that students continue to develop these skills throughout their academic careers. After passing through the mandatory composition sequence (ENG 101 and ENG 102), all students must complete at least four (4) writing-intensive courses, of which at least two (2) must be in the student’s major field of study and at least two (2) must be from the upper level (3XXW or 4XXW). Courses indicated by a “W” in the catalog and semester course schedule fulfill this requirement. Students transferring at least 60 credits to Heritage must complete at least two (2) writing-intensive courses, of which at least one (1) must be in the student’s major field of student and at least two (2) must be from the upper level. Courses indicated by a “W” in the catalog and semester course schedule fulfill this requirement.

Students enrolled in writing-intensive courses can expect writing assignments throughout the semester. These assignments will be designed to teach the writing skills appropriate to that discipline. Students can expect frequent feedback from instructors. Students who need additional assistance outside of class will be referred to the Academic Skills Center or the Writing Center for tutoring. 


The following table identifies the course prefixes and the academic department responsible for administration of the courses at the time of this catalog printing. Complete descriptions of the courses are given in the respective department sections of the catalog.

ACCT Accounting Arts and Sciences
ACS American Cultural Studies Arts and Sciences
ART Art Arts and Sciences
ASL American Sign Language Arts and Sciences
ASTR Astronomy Arts and Sciences
BADM Business Administration Arts and Sciences
BLE Bilingual Education Education
BIOL Biology Arts and Sciences
CHEM Chemistry Arts and Sciences
COMM Communications Arts and Sciences
CPSC Computer Science Arts and Sciences
CPSY Counseling Psychology Arts and Sciences
CRMJ Criminal Justice Arts and Sciences
DAN Dance Arts and Sciences
ECE Early Childhood Education Education
ECS Early Childhood Studies Education
ECON Economics Arts and Sciences
ED Education Education
EDR Education Education
ENG English Arts and Sciences
ENSC Environmental Science Arts and Sciences
FIN Finance Arts and Sciences
FISH Fisheries Arts and Sciences
FOR Forestry Arts and Sciences
FR French Arts and Sciences
HCAD Health Care Administration Arts and Sciences
HIS History Arts and Sciences
HON Honors Special Departments
HORT Horticulture Arts and Sciences
HPER Health, Physical Education/Recreation Arts and Sciences
HUM Humanities Arts and Sciences
LAT Latin Arts and Sciences
MATH Mathematics Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences
MTED Mathematics Education Education
MUS Music Arts and Sciences
NTCE Nuclear Arts and Sciences
NURS Nursing Arts and Sciences
PHIL Philosophy Arts and Sciences
PHSC Physical Science Arts and Sciences
PHYS Physics Arts and Sciences
POSC Political Science Arts and Sciences
PSY Psychology Arts and Sciences
RDG Reading/Literacy Education
REL Religion Arts and Sciences
SAH Sahaptin Arts and Sciences
SOC Sociology Arts and Sciences
SOWK Social Work Arts and Sciences
SP Speech Arts and Sciences
SPAN Spanish Arts and Sciences
SPED Special Education Education