Sep 16, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog with Addendums 
2014-2015 Catalog with Addendums [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Organizational Leadership, M.Ed.

Organizational Leadership*: 32 credits

The Master of Education degree in Organizational Leadership is designed for students who wish to pursue graduate education beyond a bachelor degree level. The program offers a more personalized and rewarding college experience through weekend and/or online courses, and one-on-one contact with instructors.

The M.Ed. in Organizational Leadership is a program of advanced preparation for those in schools, agencies, or corporations anticipating a leadership role in their career. The degree intentionally infuses leadership and cultural relevancy skill sets and incorporates job embedded experiences into each course. The faculty is composed of dedicated professionals with practitioner level experience and who are widely recognized for their professional and academic qualifications.

Upon completion of the coursework and job embedded skill development this degree will provide the student with the knowledge and skills to competently serve in a leadership role. By using effective communication skills and recognizing the power of collaboration in building relationships, leaders will affect increased performance and raise the status of their profession. Throughout the required courses, students will apply a variety of dialogue and discussion techniques to encourage collegial inquiry and foster systems thinking and group learning. The skills of communication and collaboration will be emphasized through the acquisition and application of active listening skills, questioning strategies, and mediation. Planning, facilitating, and documenting the results of a variety of team meetings to include accountability to group  goals and outcomes will be an important focus. In each course the foundational theory will be established and students will produce a job embedded product using their workplace as a setting.

*Degree formerly called M.Ed. in Professional Studies in Teaching and Learning. Contact your advisor for course substitution information.

Program Goals

The program builds upon the Heritage University mission to prepare educators and leaders to positively impact learning for all students by developing leadership, knowledge, skills, and dispositions through the following:

  1. Utilizing foundational knowledge to address stated learning goals and essential academic learning requirements
  2. Applying current research and best practices in quality teaching, learning, and leading to encourage the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students
  3. Creating instructional opportunities adapted to learners from diverse cultural backgrounds and/or students with exceptional challenges
  4. Building learning communities of colleagues and agencies to support students’ and coworkers learning and well-being
  5. Contributing to the development of plans for school and/or organizational improvement
  6. Utilizing educational technology, including computers and other technologies, in instruction, assessment, and professional productivity
  7. Utilizing professional growth opportunities to reflect on teaching, learning, and leading and their effects on student and coworker growth and learning, and to develop a personal/professional growth plan

Total Credits: 32