ED 564A - Creating School Culture3 credits This course examines the critical role of the principal or program administrator in creating a culture that fosters mutual accountability and promotes the ongoing improvement of learning and teaching for students and staff. Emphasis is on effective strategies for building a community of learners focused on equity and student achievement. Experienced educators who are interested in becoming school principals or program administrators will explore effective strategies for creating a community of learners and will consider how decisions made about resources can result in improved teaching and learning and encourage staff empowerment. To meet the requirements for principal and program administrator certification, students will work extensively with the AWSP Leadership Framework and other professional resources to design projects and gather artifacts relevant to their current and emerging professional practice.
Also includes:
Resource Management Module
Cultural Competency Model
School Law Module
Socratic Seminar (Ethical Leadership)
Assessment: Visionary Leadership
Assessment: Effective Management, Part A
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