Sep 25, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Students should consult with the program chair if they are not sure of their preparation for a specific course. Course prerequisites specified are the minimum preparation required. In their first two university years, students need to work closely with their advisors to schedule the necessary General University Course Requirements and lower-division core courses to prepare properly for upper-division studies.


Computer Science

  • CPSC 231 - Discrete Mathematics

    3 credits
    Discrete mathematics, trees, graphs, elementary logic, and combinatorics with application to Computer Science. Offered Spring semesters even-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in MATH 140 - College Algebra and a C or better in CPSC 202 - JAVA I .
  • CPSC 235 - Networking I

    3 credits
    Fundamentals of computer networking and protocols used in local area and wide area networks. Topics include network selection, installation, customization, and administration. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 207  or CPSC 202  
  • CPSC 302 - JAVA II

    3 credits



    This course is a continuation of CPSC 202: Java I. Includes extensive use of object orientation and inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces, systems modeling and implementation, iteration, basic searching and sorting, and graphical components.  May include basic dynamic data structures, recursion, and generics. Offered Spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 202 - JAVA I .

      Co-requisite(s): CPSC 302L  

  • CPSC 302L - JAVA II Lab

    Support lab for CPSC 302 JAVA II in which students receive focused support for developing JAVA programming skills. Co-requisite(s): CPSC 302 JAVA II  
  • CPSC 304 - Computers in Classroom

    3 credits
    Introduction to various applications and utility software packages, which may include teaching aids, spreadsheets, graphical presentation of data and statistical analysis packages. May not be used toward Computer Science Bachelor of Science requirements. Recommended for teachers and/or educators. Offered spring semesters. Prerequisite(s): ED 305BW  and ED 315B  
  • CPSC 306 - Computer Organization & Architecture

    3 credits
    Organization of digital computers, memory system organization and architecture, instruction sets, interfacing, communicating with the processor. Offered Spring semesters of odd numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 150  and a C or better in CPSC 202 - JAVA I .
  • CPSC 311 - Python II

    3 credits



    This course is a continuation of CPSC 211: Python I. The core functionality of Python will be used and students will gain a firm grasp of topics that include code introspection, flow control, function protocols, exception handling, functional programming, lists and dictionaries, classes, inheritance, overriding, building applications, packages, and libraries, regular expressions, iterators, generators, decorators, and context managers. Offered Spring semesters of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in


  • CPSC 312 - Internet Programming II

    3 credits

    This course continues from CPSC 112: Internet Programming I.  Topics include JavaScript, Dynamic web pages using the Document Object Model, CGI, using forms for input, and using PHP for server-side processing and database integration.  May include coverage of web services and XML.

      Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 112 - Internet Programming I and a C or better in CPSC 202 - JAVA I.

  • CPSC 315 - Perl I

    3 credits
    This course develops basic competency in the Perl programming language. It focuses on using Perl to developing web-based Internet and Intranet applications. Topics of study include Perl for UNIX, Perl for Win32, CGI standards, HTML, forms, scalar and aray variables, control structures, file I/O, regular expressions and subroutines. Offered Fall semesters of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): A C or better in   and a C or better in CPSC 112  Internet Programming I.
  • CPSC 316 - Perl II

    3 credits
    This course is a continuation of CPSC 315  Introduction to Perl. It introduces advanced programming using the Perl language for database interface and for developing web-based applications. Offered Spring semesters of even-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 315 .
  • CPSC 317 - Human Computer Interaction

    Designing, implementing, and evaluating computer systems.   Task analysis, prototyping, usability evaluation, dialogue, specification, interaction styles and techniques, human factors, virtual reality, multimedia, and hypermedia systems. Prerequisite(s): CPSC 302  
  • CPSC 320 - Networking II

    3 credits
    Networking II addresses industry standard cabling, connection schemas and procedures, advanced LAN and WAN and routing, and RIP TCP/IP configuration and troubleshooting with special attention on the use of ICMP and TCP/IP troubleshooting utilities and techniques related to maintenance and troubleshooting. Topics include understanding advanced routing protocols, applying and implementing the OSI model, and remote connectivity and security. Participants will install. configure, implement, and troubleshoot a lab-based local local area network using advanced implementation, subnetting, and routing techniques.  Offered Spring semesters of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in   or equivalent.
  • CPSC 321 - Operating Systems

    3 credits
    Design and implementation of operating systems. Topics include process management, processor management, memory management, device management, file management, process synchronization and inter-process communication, and user interface. Other issues such as distributed computing and system performance may be discussed. Offered Fall semesters of even numbered years. Prerequisite(s): A C or better in   and CPSC 207 Introduction to C++  
  • CPSC 326 - Web Systems & Technologies

    This course covers the setup and management of important web-based services, server-supported programming technologies, and some other host-management issues such as user support, security, staffing, and purchasing. Prerequisite(s): CPSC 312  
  • CPSC 330 - Databases II

    3 credits


    Continuation of CPSC 230: Databases I. Topics include the extended Entity Relationship Model, normalization, advanced SQL, database design, queries, database tuning, database connectivity and embedding database use in programs.  May also cover transaction management and data warehousing. Course is taught using a modern relational database management system. Offered Spring semesters of even-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in

      and C or better in  CPSC 230 .

  • CPSC 331 - Theory of Progamming Languages

    3 credits
    Covers language definition, data types, control structures, binding times, compilation, interpretation, dynamic procedure actuation, introduction to lexical analysis, and parsing. Offered Spring semesters of odd numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in   .
  • CPSC 332 - System Administration

    This course teaches skills and concepts that are essential to the administration of operating systems, networks, software, various computing support systems, and system documentation, policies, and procedures. This also includes education and support of the users of these systems. Prerequisite(s): CPSC 202  ; CPSC 321  is recommended
  • CPSC 344 - Database Management

    3 credits
    This course covers various aspects of RDBMS including: Relational Database model, relational algebra, triggers, functions, SQL, PL/SQL, query plan, query optimization, transaction management, concurrency control, tuning, B-trees, Distributed Databases,  and Database connectivity. It also covers OLAP techniques, Data Warehousing, ETL process, Business Intelligence, and Security. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 330  or permission.
  • CPSC 345W - Software Engineering

    Software engineering; requirements analysis, estimation, design, verification techniques. Software engineering methodologies. Offered Fall semesters - odd numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 202  
  • CPSC 349 - Information Assurance & Security

    Security planning, risk assessment, cost-benefit analysis, and policy-making, securing a Unix OS, network and Internet vulnerabilities and defenses, secure programming techniques, and common types of attacks on computer systems and data, and how to prevent, detect, and recover from these attacks. Prerequisite(s): CPSC 332  
  • CPSC 350W - Systems Analysis and Design

    3 credits
    This course introduces established and evolving methodologies for the analysis, design, and development of an Information System. Course content includes: system characteristics, managing projects, prototyping, CASE/OOM tools, process modeling, logical modeling, data modeling, SDLC, project management tools, and implementation. Expanded coverage on adaptive methods and patterns is also introduced. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 207  or CPSC 202  
  • CPSC 352 - Data Structures

    This course covers fundamental data structures including arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, recursion, priority queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, and associative containers. Algorithms for searching, sorting and hashing are also covered. Prerequisite(s): C or better in CPSC 207  
  • CPSC 390 - Advanced Topics

    0 credits
    Independent study of specialized subject matter in computer science. Topics vary, depending upon current interest and needs. May be repeated for credit with a new topic. Prerequisite(s): Permission of Program Chair.
  • CPSC 400 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    3 credits
    Analysis of data structures and algorithms; computational complexity and design of efficient data handling procedures. Offered Spring semesters of even numbered years. Prerequisite(s): C or better in MATH 140 .
  • CPSC 410 - Cryptography & Network Security

    3 credits
    Students will learn and apply the fundamental principles of cryptography and its application to network security. Topics will include classical and modern cryptography, cryptographysis, secret key cryptosystems, public key cryptosystems, digital signature and authentication, hash functions and message digest, key distribution and key management, network security protocols. Students will focus on the practical aspects and applicaton of cryptosystems and security protocols in network systems such as the Internet. Prerequisite(s): C or better in   and a C or better in   .
  • CPSC 421 - Theory of Computing

    3 credits
    Covers finite state machines, regular expressions, formal grammars, recursive functions, halting problem, recursive functions featuring machines, theory of automata. Offered TBA.. Prerequisite(s): C or better in   and a C or better in MATH 212 
  • CPSC 480 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    3 credits (maximum 9 credits)
    Classroom instruction in an advanced area of computer science. May not be taken as independent study. Recommended for Computer Science electives for majors. May be taken more than once for credit when topics vary. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor.
  • CPSC 482 - Bioinformatics: Tools & Programming

    This course introduces bioinformatics concepts and practices. It focuses on bioinformatics programming and the use of existing Internet tools for biomedical research. Topics include:  biological database searching, sequence alignment, DP, MSA, gene prediction, RNA and protein structure prediction, construction of phylogenetic trees, and comparative genomics.  Offered Spring semesters of even-numbered years. Prerequisite(s): CPSC 315  
  • CPSC 490 - Internship

    1-12 credits
    May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 credits. By interview only. Experience in programming and systems analysis in a working environment under supervision of industrial or governmental professionals and faculty. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; permission of the Program Chair.
  • CPSC 495 - Special Project

    3 credits
    An advanced course designed to permit qualified students to pursue an approved topic through independent study under the direction of a faculty member, and to produce a specific outcome. Only three semester credit hours of either CPSC 495 or CPSC 497  may be used to satisfy the upper division requirements. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; permission of the Program Chair.
  • CPSC 497 - Senior Thesis

    3 credits
    An advanced course allowing a student to complete an independent research project or scholarly investigation which demonstrates mastery of methodology appropriate to the student’s field of study. Only three semester credit hours of either CPSC 495  or CPSC 497 may be used to satisfy the upper division requirements. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; permission of the Program Chair.
  • CPSC 499W - Capstone Experience

    This course consists of a significant project that involves a complex implementation task and requires integrating topics across the student’s required computer science program curriculum.  Each project will preferrably be done by a small team of students, with an oral and written presentation of the results.  It should be taken in the student’s last semester if possible. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and CPSC 309W , CPSC 330 , and CPSC 400  

Criminal Justice

  • CRMJ 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice

    3 credits
    Overview of crime and the criminal justice system with emphasis on the interrelationship between the police, the courts and corrections.
  • CRMJ 200 - Criminal Justice Organization & Admin

    3 credits
    Analysis of organizational dynamics in criminal justice agencies. Topics include administrative issues, personnel management, decision-making processes, group interaction and conflict, organizational culture and subcultures.
  • CRMJ 300 - Criminology

    3 credits
    Study of the nature, causes and consequences of crime with emphasis on its sociological and psychological aspects as applied to criminal justice policy and practice. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or SOC 101  or PSY 101   or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 301 - Criminal Law

    3 credits
    Study of legal concepts, applications, processes and procedures in criminal law from arrest through post-conviction. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 310 - Mediation and Conflict Resolution

    3 credits
    Study of the process of conflict resolution through mediation. Offer TBA. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 200 , or SOC 201   or junior standing or permission of the program chair.
  • CRMJ 315AW - Survey of Law Enforcement

    3 credits
    Study of “policing” - civil and criminal law enforcement at national, state and local levels. Topics include history of policing, the role of investigation, identification and apprehension, constraints under the “rule of law,” culture and careers of law enforcement officers, police community relations, accountability, technology and change in the law enforcement sector. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 315AW - Survey of Law Enforcement and Crime Control Policies

    Study of policing - civil and criminal law enforcement at national, state and local levels. Topics include constraints under the “rule of law,” culture of law enforcement officers, police community relations, accountability, technology and change in the law enforcement sector with respect to current local, state and federal crime control policies.
  • CRMJ 320 - Juvenile Justice

    3 credits
    Study of the juvenile Justice system including an analysis of the history, structure, processes, problems and youth crime and violence issues. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or SOC 201  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 321 - Geographic Information Systems

    This course presents the principles and application of geographic information systems (GIS). The course will investigate the two major types of GIS’s currently in use. In addition to instruction in the use, preparation and interpretation of GIS’s, students will be introduced to the use of global positioning systems and databases used in preparing maps. Offered alternate Spring semesters. Cross-listed as ENSC 321 .
  • CRMJ 325 - Survey of Corrections

    3 credits
    Study of agencies and organizations involved with offender populations, and role of correctional programs in accountability, punishment, deterrence and rehabilitation. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  -, or junior standing, or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 330 - Criminal Gang Organizations

    3 credits
    Study of the formation, membership, and activities of street gangs. Social factors, public policies, and community-based solutions and strategies will be explored to prevent and respond to criminal gang activity. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or SOC 201  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 330A - Criminal Gang Organizations and Narcotics

    Study of the formation, membership and activities of street gangs and how illicit narcotics are involved. Social factors, public policies and community-based solutions and strategies are explored. Including narcotics identification aspects needed for law enforcement, parole, probation and correctional staff.
  • CRMJ 335 - Family Violence and Crime

    3 credits
    Study of various forms of family violence with emphasis on domestic violence, spousal and child abuse. Explores the different types of family violence, causes, social psychology of abusers, multicultural factors, criminal implications, intervention processes and policies to address problem situations. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or SOC 201  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 340 - Community Corrections


    Study of community corrections and community-based correctional interventions as alternative to incarceration. Prerequisite(s):  

    CRMJ 325 (recommended) junior standing or permission of the Chair.


  • CRMJ 345 - Criminal Investigation

    3 credits
    Study of the investigative theory, process and techniques with an emphasis on the investigation of common types of crime, sources of information, interviewing of witnesses and suspects, crime scene processing including the collection and the proper handling of evidence. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 350 - Correctional Counseling

    3 credits
    Study of theories and techniques on interviewing and counseling of clients in the correctional system. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 325  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 355 - Comparative Criminal Justice System

    3 credits
    Comparative study of the U.S. criminal justice system and those of selected foreign countries. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 360 - Police Community Relations

    3 credits
    Study of the issues regarding police interaction with the community, with an emphasis on promoting effective communication and positive collaborative relationships through problem solving and conflict management. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 315AW  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 365 - Police Personnel Administration

    3 credits
    Study of organizational structure and administration of police departments, personnel responsibilities, duties, management issues, and trends. Offer TBA. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 315AW   or junior standing or permission of program chair.
  • CRMJ 370 - Survey Criminal Justice System

    3 credits
    Study of the organizations, functions and general processes that make up the Criminal Justice System.
  • CRMJ 370A - Survey of Corrections and Juvenile Justice

    Study and history of agencies and organizations involved with adult and juvenile offender populations, and the role of correctional programs, punishment, deterrence and rehabilitation.
  • CRMJ 375 - Introduction to Homeland Defense

    3 credits
    This class is designed to help students understand the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It provides a comprehensive overview of the department’s history, mission, organization, and programs designed to reduce America’s vulnerability to attack and quickly recover from disaster. Offered as an online course.
  • CRMJ 380 - Terrorism

    3 credits
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of international and domestic terrorism arising from either religious or secular roots. It will examine the historical and philosophical underpinnings of terrorism in general and identified terrorist organizations in particular. A special emphasis will be on the impact of weapons of mass destruction - e.g., nuclear/radiological, and chemical means - on the changing face of terrorism throughout the world. Offered as an online course.
  • CRMJ 385 - Legal Issues Counter-Terrorism

    3 credits
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of legal issues attendant to international terrorism. In particular, students will examine the “War on terror’ and the tension between approaches based on criminal law enforcement versus those based on the military or war. A special emphasis will be placed on the interrelationship between United States law and international law and agreements. The course will address current efforts in counter-terrorism, with special emphasis on recent federal prosecutions for terrorists acts or aiding terrorist organizations. As a criminal justice course, this study will include historical and political information and current relevant information on counter-terrorism objectives and methods. Offered as an online course.
  • CRMJ 386 - Expl Weakns Terrorist Organ

    3 credits
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of international and domestic terrorism arising from either religious or secular roots. It will examine the historical and philosophical underpinnings of terrorism in general and identified terrorist organizations in particular. The course will examine exploitable weaknesses of terrorists, terrorist typology, human factors as applied to terrorists, modus operand of terrorist, conspiratorial association theorems, weakness of terrorist groups, and proactive measures in support of terrorist investigations. The course will address current efforts in counter-terrorism, with special emphasis on the federal and state responses. As a criminal justice course, this study will consist of a hybrid of historical and political information and current, relevant information on counter-terrorism objectives and methods. Offered as an online course.
  • CRMJ 390 - Advanced Topic

    3 credits (maximum 9 credits)
    Advanced Topic.
  • CRMJ 401 - Ethics in Criminal Justice

    3 credits
    Exploration of ethical issues encountered by criminal justice practitioners in the police, courts and correctional systems. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 200  or junior standing or permission chair.
  • CRMJ 402 - Human Trafficking

    3 credits
    This course examines the different forms of human trafficking, trends in recent human trafficking cases, as well as the relevant international and domestic laws. Roles of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and private sector responses and prevention methods of human trafficking will be explored. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101 or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 405 - Technology in Criminal Justice

    3 credits
    Study of computer based information systems as applied to criminal justice. Programs for crime analysis, intelligence, including geographic information systems are covered in this course. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of Chair.
  • CRMJ 410A - Narcotics and Illegal Drugs

    3 credits
    Study of basic pharmacological recognition aspects needed for law enforcement, parole, probation and correctional staff. Issues on drug abuse are explored along with insights on the process pursuing and prosecuting drug cases. Undercover work, “sting” operation, “buy/bust”, search warrants, and more importantly informant recruitment and management is particularly stressed. Legal issues related to undercover operations and the management of a successful drug unit are explored. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 410B - Mass Murders & Serial Killers

    3 credits
    Study of notorious cases about mass murder and serial homicide for the purpose of understanding criminal offenders, particularly in identifying “red flags” and sociopathic behavior exhibited in youth and adult offenders. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 410C - Organized Crime

    3 credits
    Study of the history of organized criminal enterprises in the United States in a global context. The course takes an in-depth view of how organized crime grew from the late 19th century to the 20th Century with special emphasis on the Sicilian Mafia, the French Union Course, and the Black Hand in the United States. Topics also include the impact of public sector corruption, as well as law enforcement tools and technology used in investigating major criminal enterprises. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 101  or junior standing or permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 415 - Local Response to Terrorism

    3 credits
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of the need to plan for the possibility of a terrorist event on the local level. A terrorist event could take place that restricts or retards the state and federal governments’ responses to a local community. The course will give the student the tools needed to prepare a local agency for immediate response to an event in his or her community. The course will give an introduction to the National Incident Management System and will provide the student with the information necessary to ensure local government compliance with federal law. Offer as online course.
  • CRMJ 450W - Crime and Justice in the Movies

    Mass media as both reflector and shaper of public attitudes and opinions about crime, criminal, law, order, and justice, using film.
  • CRMJ 490 - Internship

    1-6 credits
    Through individually appropriate field experiences, students are given opportunities to apply knowledge gained from coursework, and to integrate theory and practice in professional situations.  Prerequisite(s): Permission of chair.
  • CRMJ 499 - Senior Capstone

    3 credits
    Synthesis of knowledge and experiences gained through the program and demonstrate skills in research, critical thinking, decision-making and integrated strategy and policy development. Taken in the student’s final semester.


  • DAN 110 - Applied Dance

    1 credit
    Participation in the study, rehearsal, and performance of traditional dances from a variety of cultures. Graded as Pass/No Pass. May not be used to meet GUCR’s. Offered TBA.
  • DAN 205 - Intro to Dance

    2 credits
    Movement principles and skills studied and experienced. Dance techniques as a warm-up to increase muscle strength and flexibility and development of individual creative expression. May not be used to meet GUCRs. Offered TBA.
  • DAN 210 - Applied Dance

    1 credit
    Participation in the study, rehearsal, and performance of traditional dances from a variety of cultures. Graded as Pass/No Pass. May not be used to meet GUCR’s. TBA
  • DAN 280 - American Cultural Dance

    2 credits
    The elements and history of dance as related to the various cultures of North and South America including design, dynamics, rhythm, motivation, gesture, and vocabulary. May not be used to meet GUCRs. Offered TBA.
  • DAN 310 - Applied Dance

    1 credit
    Participation in the study, rehearsal, and performance of traditional dances from a variety of cultures. Graded as Pass/No Pass. May not be used to meet GUCR’s. Offered TBA.
  • DAN 410 - Applied Dance

    1 credit
    Participation in the study, rehearsal, and performance of traditional dances from a variety of cultures. Graded as Pass/No Pass. May not be used to meet GUCR’s. Offered TBA.


  • DRMA 205 - Asethetics of Nursing Practice

    3 credits

    This course is grounded in assumptions from Nightingale’s theory of nursing arts and Carper’s aesthetics as a fundamental pattern of knowing in nursing. An experiential course, based in the principles of performing arts, the focus is on the act of care; integrates relational aesthetics and explores and applies dramatic arts foundational to allopathic and holistic nursing care competencies Prerequisite(s): Freshman pre-nursing standing; may be taken after admission to the BSN program.

                                                                                                                                                Cross-listed as


  • DRMA 206A - Play Production

    3 credits
    Students will learn the techniques and skills needed for mounting a play, including analysis of a script for production, directing, costuming and makeup, stagecraft, acting, and theater business practices. The final project will involve the actual production of a theatrical performance. Will emphasize drama for children. Offered TBA. Cross-listed as ENG 206A .
  • DRMA 206B - Play Production

    3 credits
    Students will learn the techniques and skills needed for mounting a play, including analysis of a script for production, directing, costuming and makeup, stagecraft,acting, and theater business practices. The final project will involve the actual production of a theatrical performance. Will emphasize drama for adults and young adults. Offer TBA. Cross-listed as ENG 206B .
  • DRMA 306 - Advanced Play Production

    3 credits
    Additional study of play production, including directing, costuming and makeup, stagecraft, acting, and theater business practices. The final project will involve the actual production of a theatrical performance. Offered TBA. Prerequisite(s): ENG 206A  or ENG 206B  or equivalent. Cross-listed as ENG 306 .
  • DRMA 311 - Applied Drama

    1 credit
    Participation in the rehearsal and performance of a university drama production. Graded as Pass/No Pass. May not be used to meet GUCR’s. Offered TBA. Cross-listed as ENG 311 .

Early Childhood Education

  • ECE 101A - Infant & Toddler CDA

    2 credits

    This course is designed to meet the required 120 hours of formal childcare training and the designated number of professional development hours. During this course, candidates will cover all 6 CDA Competency Standards and 13 CDA Functional Areas. Candidates pursuing or renewing their Infant/Toddler Center-Based Child Development Associates credential must be in a center setting and primarily care for infants and toddlers including experience with each of the three infant/toddler sub-groups: young infants (birth–8 months), mobile infants (9–17 months), and toddlers (18–36 months). In order to take this course for continuing education (CE) hours, candidates must hold a high school diploma (or equivalent), or be in a high school vocational program in early education. Face to face sessions will introduce the required CDA competencies, along with support in the follow steps for Infant and Toddler credentialing;

    1. Completion of 120 clock hours of formal childcare training
    2. Submitting CDA 2.0 application (or renewal application)
    3. Developing a Professional Portfolio (within 6 months of application) that includes: Family Questionnaires, Resource Collection items, Reflective Statements of Competence, and a Personal Philosophy Statement
    4. Finding a Professional Development Specialist 
    5. Scheduling a Verification Visit
    6. CDA 2.0 Exam at a Pearson Vue testing center

    Repeatable for credit.

  • ECE 101B - Preschool-Centered Based CDA

    Preschool-Center Based CDA
    This course is designed to meet the required 120 hours of formal childcare training and the designated number of professional development hours. During this course, candidates will cover all 6 CDA Competency Standards and 13 CDA Functional Areas. Candidates pursuing or renewing their Preschool Center-Based Child Development Associates credential must be in a center setting and primarily care for preschool (3-5 years). In order to take this course for continuing education (CE) hours, candidates must hold a high school diploma (or equivalent), or be in a high school vocational program in early education. Face to face sessions will introduce the required CDA competencies, along with support in the follow steps for preschool credentialing;

    1. Completion of 120 clock hours of formal childcare training
    2. Submitting CDA 2.0 application (or renewal application)
    3. Developing a Professional Portfolio (within 6 months of application) that includes: Family Questionnaires, Resource Collection items, Reflective Statements of Competence, and a Personal Philosophy Statement
    4. Finding a Professional Development Specialist 
    5.  Scheduling a Verification Visit
    6. CDA 2.0 Exam at a Pearson Vue testing center
  • ECE 320 - Dev Famly Prtnrshp in ECE

    2 credits
    This course addresses different strategies of communicating and developing a partnership with families. Included in this course are the following: interviewing, conferencing, and collaborative planning with familie in the home and classroom. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program. Cross-listed as  
  • ECE 321 - Integ Cultrl Compt ECE Clsrm

    2 credits
    This course studies the impact and power of diverse cultural experiences on the ECE classroom. It identifies how children and families differ in their perspectives and approaches to learning. Teacher candidates learn how to create positive and equitable learning environments and experiences that are culturally and linguistically responsive. Prerequisite(s): ECE 320  or permission from Teach Preparation Chair. Cross-listed as  
  • ECE 322W - Emtn, Social Devlp/Learn Thry

    3 credits
    This course studies the theoretical positions and issues/research as it relates to the young child (birth to %). It introduces the multiple functions of play and how to engage young children in other enriching activities. It includes review of current research, observation of children, exploration of various social skills curriculums, and practical application in an early childhood setting. Field experience required. Cross-listed as  
  • ECE 323 - Crtng Efftve Early Learn Envirnmt

    3 credits
    This course studies how environments and other factors influence the development of the human brain. It uses case studies that apply to child development and learning theory. Candidates identify, analyze, and evaluate the effective elements of quality early learning environments. Field experiences required.
  • ECE 324 - Obsrv/Assesmnt ECE Educatrs

    2 credits
    This course introduces the candidate to observation and assessment methods used with children ages (birth-5). This course examines the principles of quantitative and qualitative methodologies for the collection and analysis of data. Field experience required. Prerequisite(s): ED 347B . Cross-listed as  
  • ECE 325 - Math /Science Instr ECE Envmt

    3 credits

    This course studies the developmental stages of mathematics and science in the early childhood classroom. Candidates develop instructional units in math and Science based on Washington State Early Learning Benchmarks. Instructional units will include developmentally appropriate outcomes and assessments, instructional methods, and materials. Taken concurrently with ED 317  or ED 316 . Co-requisite(s): ED 317  or ED 316 .

      Cross-listed as


  • ECE 405 - Arts, Health, Fitnes ECE

    1 credit
    The student will learn methods, appropriate materials to use, and instructional strategies in the arts, health, and fitness for the young child (infancy through preschool). The emphasis is placed on implementing developmentally appropriate practices in childhood settings. Development of projects in the arts, health, and fitness based on Washington State Early Learning Benchmarks. Taken concurrently with ED 328 . Co-requisite(s): ED 328 .
  • ECE 406W - Dev Oral Lang & Lit -Birth-5

    3 credits
    In accordance with recommendations from the national reading panel and linguistic theory from birth through age 5 brain developments, participants will learn and implement the continuum of language and literacy. Washington State’s Early Learning Benchmarks will be an integral part of this course. Students will address the ways that language and literacy impact and interact with learning and development. Cross-listed as  
  • ECE 407 - Practicum in ECE

    3 credits
    This course is a practical application of knowledge, skills, and disposition learned in the early childhood education course work. Forty hours of filed experiences with five hours of seminars are required. This course is taken the semester prior to student teaching.
  • ECE 422 - Issues and Trends of Native Education

    3 credits
    The class provides an overview of educational histories of Native populations, a comprehensive understanding of American educational history, context for contemporary educational policy discussions involving Native populations, and implications for teaching. The class provides an introduction to practice considerations that are general principles based upon lessons from research and practice designed to provide additional guidance to service providers about specific issues relating to children and families, especially as they relate to disadvantaged Native communities. 
  • ECE 423 - Methods in Working with Native Families

    3 credits
    This methods course focuses on services to support Native families and communities. Primary focus will be working with (rather than working “on”) Native communities; ensuring ECE service is culturally competent; cultivating networks and relationships that reflect traditional values, practices, and traditions of contemporary Native families and communities. This course is an in-depth study of theories and basic principles of effective teaching for Native populations within contemporary education settings. Field experience will be required.
  • ECE 424W - Culturally Responsive ECE Instruction

    3 credits
    The course addresses cultural and linguistic aspects of representation of Native populations. Review of dynamics of family structure, parental and community agency involvement, and impact of cultural and linguistic diversity and how it relates to ECE services. Candidates will learn how cultural knowledge shapes (1) the structure of the service; (2) the specific practices and strategies; and (3) the selection, training, and actions of ECE providers.

Early Childhood Studies

  • ECS 300W - Literacy Development

    3 credits
    The foci of this course are the reading and writing skills of the candidate. It will operate as a learning laboratory generating new meanings and understandings about how we, as experienced readers and writers, make meaning as we read and write within academic disciplines and subject areas. Candidates will examine their own reading and writing strategies and habits, set achievement goals, and work at reaching the goals. The themes of the course are; reading inquiry, theory, practice, and the writing process situated within a professional-development context.
  • ECS 302W - Issues in Early Learning

    2 credits
    This introductory course includes a multi-disciplinary perspective of serving young children and their families. Concepts will include national standards, state and federal mandates, and trends and practices in early childhood education. Candidates will learn to set professional goals and reflect appropriate management strategies, and include appropriate assessment. Attention to appropriate use of technology in the learning environment will be included. Cross-listed as   
  • ECS 305 - Developing Appropriate Practices in Early Learning

    4 credits
    An introductory class to learn how to build learning communities. The class will discuss the interrelatedness of curriculm, instructional methods, assessment/evaluation, and classroom management. Students will prepare instructional plans to meet diverse student needs, reflect appropriate management strategies, and include appropriate assessment. Attention to appropriate use of technology in the learning environment will be included. Co-requisite(s): ECS 306 .
  • ECS 306 - Applied Experience for Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Learning

    1 credit
    The purpose of this experience is to link the theory of ECS 305  to practice. This course defines the self-directed performance tasks demonstrating competency. Taken concurrently with ECS 305 . Co-requisite(s): ECS 305 .
  • ECS 308 - Diversity and Cultural Competence in Young Children and Families

    3 credits
    Content of the course helps candidates understand the psychological basis of parenting across a range of families and contexts. Candidates learn about, understand, and value the importance and complex characteristics of children’s families and communities. The candidates use this understanding of stages of parenting to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support, empower, and involve families in their children’s development and learning. Candidates continue to develop a self-reflective ability that helps candidates think about their responses to families and use that as the candidate works with families.  Co-requisite(s):   Cross-listed as  
  • ECS 309 - Applied Experiences for Diversity and Cultural Competence in Young Children and Families

    1 credit
    The purpose of this experience is to link the theory of ECS 308  course to practice. This course defines the self-directed performance tasks demonstrating competency. (Taken concurrently with ECS 308 ). Co-requisite(s): ECS 308 .
  • ECS 310 - Researching Early Childhood Issues

    1 credit

    This independent study course includes a multi-disciplinary perspective of serving young children and their families.  Concepts will include:  Researching the impact of national standards, state and federal mandates, and trends and practices in early childhood education.



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